Erika Di Crescenzo
Team / founder

Erika Di Crescenzo


Ricercatrice indipendente nel campo del teatro e della danza, antropologia, filosofia, mistica. Laureata al Dams con una tesi di carattere antropologico, ha frequentato la scuola di danza classica Academié Principesse Grace di Montecarlo, il Programma de Recherche et Composition Coreographique presso la Fondation Royaumont di Parigi, e il master in progettazione culturale presso Fondazione Fitzcarrardo. Ha modellato il suo percorso di autrice e performer attraverso creazioni originali principalmente in Italia, Francia e Svizzera (The Fish, Etude pour la Sainteté, Asfissia, Clara Falls in Love, La Bagarre, Tentativi Vergini di Oscenità, E20, E questo è, etc..).
Lavora come regista, e coreografa, interprete, autrice, danzatrice, performer, curatrice, organizzatrice, davanti e dietro le quinte nel campo della danza e teatro contemporaneo.
Nel 2015 con Carlotta Scioldo fonda il progetto Workspace Ricerca X, che cura fino al 2021.

Erika Di Crescenzo is with us in:

Carlotta Scioldo


Carlotta Scioldo is a researcher and consultant focusing on EU cultural policies. Through her professional and academic trajectory, she has acquired a multifaced view of the cultural and creative sector in Europe. Her fundamental drive is to bridge the communication gap between the cultural sector and policymaking, ensuring that the functioning and aspirations of the artistic field are effectively conveyed. With this motivation, she has worked as dance dramaturg, joined the Creative Europe Unit at EACEA, and served as Network Manager and Policy Advisor the European Dancehouse Network.

Carlotta completed her Ph.D. on how European Transnational Networks operate in the Cultural Sector at DIST the Interfaculty Department of the University and Polytechnic of Turin, and she was visiting researcher at the UCL’s Public Policy Department. Her work questions the political and empirical implications of Transnational Networks in the EU’s cultural sphere and the external dimension. Her doctoral dissertation has been shortlisted as a finalist for the 2023 ENCATC Award.
She holds two master’s degrees, the first in Theater Studies from IUAV in Venice, the second in Cultural Projects for Development from ITC-ILO and UNESCO Centre in Turin. Carlotta’s expertise was also acknowledged through a visiting fellowship at New York University.

In 2015, together with Erika Di Crescenzo, she founded Workspace Ricerca X. She has been curating the project until 2018.