Marion Boudier

Chloé Décherie


Marion Boudier accompanies Joël Pommerat and La Compagnie Louis Brouillard as dramaturge for theatrical and opera creations. She is also a lecturer in theatre studies at the Université Picardie Jules Verne, working on contemporary textual and scenic writing, dramaturgy, creative processes, and links between art, pedagogy and research. Currently on delegation at the Institut Universitaire de France, she is developing the ADOC (L’acteur-ice et le Document) and PLS (Performing Knowledge, with Chloé Déchery) projects. He received the Syndicat de la critique award for Avec Joël Pommerat, volume 2, published by Actes Sud in 2019.

Marion Boudier is with us in: Edizione 2022,

Alessandro Pontremoli


Alessandro Pontremoli is Professor of theater and dance studies at D.A.M.S. at the University of Turin. Since 2004 he is Scientific Director of the Master in Social and Community Theater at the University of Turin. Since 2010 he is member of the Dance Commission at the Ministry of Culture.

Among his publications: La danza. Storia, teoria, estetica nel Novecento, Roma­Bari, Laterza, 2002; Danza e Rinascimento, Macerara, Ephemeria, 2011 (Premio Pirandello 2015); Elementi di teatro educativo, sociale e di comunità, Torino, UTET, 2015.

Alessandro Pontremoli is with us in: Edizione 2015-16,

Cristina Caprioli


Cristina Caprioli è una delle coreografe più affermate e riconosciute a livello internazionale della scena svedese. A metà anni ’90 fonda l’organizzazione indipendente Ccap, dove produce performance, installazioni, film, oggetti, pubblicazioni e altre coreografie, e conduce progetti di ricerca interdisciplinari di lungo periodo. Il suo lavoro coreografico si caratterizza per precisione, complessità e un’alta tecnologia del corpo. Tutte le sue produzioni sfidano i formati normativi e le economie di scambio del settore. Negli anni 2008-2013 è stata docente di composizione coreografica presso la Scuola di Danza e Circo (DOCH) di Stoccolma, dove ha sviluppato metodi e formati per la ricerca artistica. Ha ricevuto diversi premi e sovvenzioni e ha avuto un ruolo significativo nello sviluppo del discorso critico nel campo della danza e della coreografia in Svezia. Nel 2024 riceve il Leone d’oro alla carriera dalla Biennale Danza di Venezia.

Cristina Caprioli is with us in: Edizione 2015-16, Edizione 2019,

Silvia Bottiroli


Ripetere, interrompere, sospendere. Il ritmo come principio curatoriale
(Repeating, interrupting, suspending. Rhythm as a curatorial principle)

Silvia Bottiroli is a curator and researcher, working in the field of the live arts and in particular at the intersections of performativity, institutional practices and pedagogies.
She is part of the artistic cohort of Rose Choreographic School in London, teaches at Bocconi University in Milan, and curates, together with Silvia Calderoni, Ilenia Caleo, and Michele Di Stefano, the three-year period 2025-2027 of Short Theatre in Rome.

Within the broader field of research on curating as a choreographic practice, Repeating, interrupting, suspending explores, through an open constellation of case studies (performances, interventions, artistic practices…) rhythm as a curatorial principle, with a particular focus on the relationship between performance practices and public space and on the emergence of forms of political subjectification.

Silvia Bottiroli is with us in: Edizione 2024,

Martina Ruhsam


Martina Ruhsam works as a dance theoretician, author and artist. Since 2016 she is a teaching and research assistant at the Institute for Applied Theatre Studies at the Justus Liebig-University in Gießen (in the MA-program Choreography and Performance). Before that, she was working for seven years as a freelance choreographer in various collaborative constellations – primarily in Vienna and Ljubljana. From 2008 until 2009 she was deputy head of the theory department of Tanzquartier Wien. In 2011 her monography Kollaborative Praxis: Choreographie was published by Turia + Kant. She was a member of the editorial collectives of Corpus and MASKA. Martina Ruhsam completed her doctorate at the Justus Liebig-University in 2021. For her dissertation Moving Matter. Non-Human Bodies in Contemporary Choreographies, she received the Tanzwissenschaftspreis NRW 2021.

Martina Ruhsam is with us in: Edizione 2023,

Julian Barnett


Julian Barnett is a movement artist working across disciplines to examine the social-political possibilities for transformation and empathy. His work has been presented throughout North America, Asia, and extensively across Europe. He was a resident artist at K3 Tanzplan Hamburg, a danceWEB scholar at Impulstanz, and received a New York “Bessie” Award nomination for Outstanding Performance. His work is influenced by working with Johannes Wieland, Jeanine Durning, Steve Paxton, and many others. Born in Tokyo, Julian lives and works between New York, Vermont, and Europe.

Julian Barnett is with us in: Edizione 2023,

Marion Boudier


Marion Boudier accompanies Joël Pommerat and La Compagnie Louis Brouillard as dramaturge for theatrical and opera creations. She is also a lecturer in theatre studies at the Université Picardie Jules Verne, working on contemporary textual and scenic writing, dramaturgy, creative processes, and links between art, pedagogy and research. Currently on delegation at the Institut Universitaire de France, she is developing the ADOC (L’acteur-ice et le Document) and PLS (Performing Knowledge, with Chloé Déchery) projects. He received the Syndicat de la critique award for Avec Joël Pommerat, volume 2, published by Actes Sud in 2019.

Marion Boudier is with us in: Edizione 2022,

Doriana Crema


Danzatrice, coreografa, formatrice e counselor, è da oltre 30 anni attiva in ambito artistico e pedagogico. Unisce le proprie competenze in direzione di una visione evolutiva dell’essere umano. Al centro della sua ricerca, lo spazio e l’umano, nel complesso rapporto con il corpo, la presenza (non soltanto scenica) e il movimento. Negli ultimi anni ha posto il proprio focus sulla questione della risonanza e della risposta, lavorando sulla linea di confine tra danzatore e spettatore. Tra gli incontri più significativi dal punto di vista formativo, si annoverano quelli con Anna Sagna per il teatro-danza, con Raffaella Giordano (per la quale è interprete degli spettacoli Quore, premio UBU 2000, e Senza Titolo), con Claude Coldy per la danza sensibile e con Danio Manfredini per il teatro. Accompagna nel proprio processo creativo numerose compagnie e artisti singoli, in Italia e in Francia. Conduce da oltre 3 decenni laboratori nelle scuole di ogni ordine e grado: attualmente è attiva nelle scuole superiori all’interno del progetto Educare alla Bellezza | Media Dance di Lavanderia a Vapore, come formatrice e coordinatrice, con gruppi-classe e gruppi-insegnanti. Cura inoltre il progetto Solitudo. Visioni per una comunità creativa insieme a Raffaella Tommellini e Fabio Castello. Insieme a Rita Fabris è ideatrice e formatrice del Percorso Danzatori di Comunità. Collabora come formatrice all’interno del progetto Tracce lasciate ad Arte di Interreg Italia Svizzera e al progetto Educatori Senza Frontiera di Exodus. È coreografa del gruppo Eskenè, per i progetti La Passione secondo Matteo, Stazionando, e Progetto 900. Realizza gli assoli mama non mama, Specifiche Atipie e Dichiarazione d’amore all’interno del festival La Piattaforma di Torino. Pratica il counseling ed è formatrice presso la Scuola Superiore di Counseling.

Doriana Crema is with us in: Edizione 2021, Edizione 2022,

Emilie Gallier


Emilie Gallier is a choreographer researcher who lives in Leiden (The Netherlands). She recently completed her practice-as-research PhD from the Centre for Dance Research (Coventry University), in which she develops the idea and practice of reading (documents/documentation) in and as performance (Reading in Performance, Lire en Spectacle) Beside her choreographic practice, Emilie works as a tutor for THIRD: 3rd cycle artistic research programme at DAS Graduate School Amsterdam. She publishes in peer-reviewed journals (a.o. Performance Research), and co-edits dance books (ongoing De Nieuwe Dansbibliotheek, Notebook Series). She is co-founder of Les Minieres in Normandy (France), at the intersection of regenerative agriculture and performing art practices. In 2022, Emilie Gallier joins the Erasmus+ project Extraordinary Dances (Dance and Handicap) with the Leiden-based group Domino.

Emilie Gallier is with us in: Edizione 2022,